
Lessons From Exodus

Exodus (1/24/19)

January 24, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* The test of maturity is what a person does with his free time. * A wise person uses freedom as a tool to build with but a foolish person uses freedom as a toy to play with. * Exodus teaches us three things: * 1) What freedom is * 2) How much freedom costs * 3) How to use freedom

Ex 1:8-14 (1/31/14)

January 31, 2014 • Benham Brothers

The very place that represented comfort for the Israelites grew into a place representing a curse. God allowed them to be subject to forced labor so they would long for a country of their own. Push / Pull - when God is moving you to a new place there will usually be a push and a pull - a push from where you are and a pull to where you should be. When God chooses to squeeze you don't question the fingers He chooses to do it with. God uses the weaknesses of others to get us to where we need to be.

Exodus 1:22 - 2:10 (1/22/17)

January 22, 2017 • Benham Brothers

• VS 1:22 - When Satan plans for destruction God plans for deliverance - this is what set the stage for Moses to enter the scene. • Note: the very first plague 80 years later was the Nile turning to blood and the last plague was the Egyptian first-borns would die - innocent blood has a voice and God will bring justice. • FOUR CHARACTERS: • 1) A mom who was out of options but clung to her faith - she had to die to her dream. • 2) A baby who had no choice. • 3) An adoptive mother with a heart of compassion. • 4) A faithful little girl with a solution for life. • VS 1 - About this time - which time? A time when it seemed all hope was lost - dark time. • VS 2 - Imagine these three months - she had her baby but she could have been overcome by fear. • Hebrews 11:23 - Faithful parents - their faith in God’s plan was stronger than their fear of the king’s edict. • Faith always overcomes fear - even when our emotions tell us otherwise. HOW? • VS 3 - WTC - the way to face your fear is to first die to your dreams - let God handle the results. • VS 4 - We see the faith of a mom and the faithfulness of a daughter. • Jesus told the disciples to “keep watch” - Miriam shows us the rewards for doing so. • VS 5-6 - Pharoah’s daughter felt compassion - who do you think put that there? God! • God used a crying baby to control the most powerful woman in the nation. • ** God is in control - He can change the heart of that coach to put you in the game. • The question is, will you honor God if He doesn’t? • VS 7 - faithfulness coupled with proactivity! • Miriam faithfully kept watch and then proactively sprang into action when the time was right. • She proactively put the thought into Pharaoh’s daughter’s mind. • Her reward? • VS 8 - she got her brother back and her mom got her baby back! • The greatest gift a kid can give a parent is faithfulness. • VS 9 - Mom now had her baby and was paid to take care of him! • When you die to your dream and cling to your faith God will come through! • Mom’s situation was so much sweeter AFTER she let her son go than before. • When your faith intersects with God’s faithfulness you will be changed forever. • VS 10 - Mom could let him go once again because God had already proven faithful. • She submitted to his plan, not her own.

Ex 2:1-10 (1/31/14)

January 31, 2014 • Benham Brothers

When you give it away God may bring it back, and when He does all fear will be gone. Moses' mother lived in fear while she held on to Moses, but when she let him go God brought him back to her.

Exodus 2:17-21 (2/8/23)

February 8, 2023 • Benham Brothers • Exodus 2:17–21

Wherever God places us, we are called to be his ministers on mission.  What qualities should we exhibit?  Moses’ life shows us two qualities that will make us powerful wherever we find ourselves.  Backstory - Moses was a Hebrew who grew up as a prince of Egypt.  But his real mom raised him when he was young, his sister (Miriam) watched over him, and his brother (Aaron) stayed in touch with him.  Joseph never forgot who he was.  He burned with a passion to free his people.  So he took matters into his own hands and killed an Egyptian.  He fled for his life as a result, and found himself in a foreign land with nowhere to go and nothing to do.  Vs 15-17 - “When Pharaoh heard of (Moses killing an Egyptian), he tried to kill Moses, but Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he sat down by a well. Now a priest of Midian had seven daughters, and they came to draw water and fill the troughs to water their father’s flock. Some shepherds came along and drove them away, but Moses got up and came to their rescue and watered their flock.” Notice two qualities about Moses:  He was a Protector - he was not going to let these women be taken advantage of.  He protected people. He protected truth (10 commandments, God’s reputation, etc).   He was a Provider - he served these women.  He brought value wherever he found himself.  How was he rewarded?  Vs 18-21 - “When the girls returned to Reuel their father, he asked them, “Why have you returned so early today?” They answered, “An Egyptian rescued us from the shepherds. He even drew water for us and watered the flock.” “And where is he?” Reuel asked his daughters. “Why did you leave him? Invite him to have something to eat.” Moses agreed to stay with the man, who gave his daughter Zipporah to Moses in marriage. He got a wife to protect and a business to provider for her!   When you do these two things, you will become a powerful and indispensable person wherever you may be!

Exodus 3:1-2 (1/26/17)

January 26, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* Notice Joseph sold the food, he didn’t give it away. * Proverbs 11:26 - Blessed is the person who’s willing to SELL! * Some people think if you’re a Christian you should give everything away. * But that’s not always God’s best plan. * God designed our system of exchange so that people will WORK! * If you want something of value (product) you have to give something of value (money). * God’s way for getting money is through work. * Our system of exchange (the marketplace) fuels our desire and necessity to WORK. * Why? * Because our work is worship. * If there’s no system of exchange and everyone existed in a socialistic environment (from each according to his ability to each according to his need) then nobody would want to work. * God loves work. * Exodus 3:1 - When you’re being the right person and staying in the right place you can trust the right opportunity will make its way to you. * Moses was faithful in his duty, which put him in the path of God revealing Himself to him. * Where was Elisha when God called him? Plowing a field. * Where was Amos? He was a farmer. * Where was Gideon? Threshing wheat. * Where were the disciples? Working in the marketplace. * All of these men were employed in an honest trade when God called them out. * Exodus 4:20 - the same staff Moses used in his business was now called “the staff of God!” * What changed? * God’s presence was with him and he was on God’s mission. * Moses’ tool for employment turned into God’s tool for deliverance. * God has ordained the workplace making our work sacred.

Ex 3:2-4 (1/31/14)

January 31, 2014 • Benham Brothers

When God showed up to Abraham He was a burning lantern, now He shows up as a burning bush. Moses was in his 40th year of silence on the backside of a mountain - hearing nothing from God. Moses was doing his duty when he saw it. When you are in the way of your duty you are in the way of God revealing Himself to you, but you must be ready to see or hear Him. The progression: 1) He noticed the bush - it burned but didn't consume (this is what happens when God burns inside of us - we will never burn up or burn out. 2) He drew near - God didn't reveal Himself until Moses drew near to Him. God is on fire inside His Book but He won't reveal Himself until you draw near to Him. 3) God called him by name - this is a "rhama" word from God, which is a specific word of God for an individual person. The "logos" word of God is the general word - the more familiar with are with the logos the more ready we'll be for a rhama.

Exodus 3:18 (1/28/16)

January 28, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• Ex 3:18 - God’s command was clear. • Pharaoh offered Moses a series of compromises - see how Moses responded: • Ex 8:25 - Moses RESTATES God’s Word when Pharaoh offered the first compromise. • Ex 10:11 - Moses RESTATES God’s Word again - he refuses to compromise. • EX 10:24 - Moses RESTATES God’s Word once again - he’s not being winsome. • Ex 12:31 - Pharaoh finally broke because Moses never compromised! • When we stand on God’s Word and refuse to bend it will take place in time! • We need to restate, reaffirm, and reapply God’s Word - not reconcile it to the prevailing worldview. • Moses wasn’t concerned with Pharaoh’s feelings.

Ex 4:1-8 / Ex 7:4 / Ex 17:11 (2/5/14)

February 5, 2014 • Benham Brothers

God's Hand is shown through man's hands. When God wants to touch the material universe He does it through man. If He does it any other way it's called a miracle. How were the people going to know it was God's hand, Moses asks. God responds: First, God asked Moses what was in his hand. When we give God our hands He will show us His hand. Second, God shows Moses what He has in store for the Israelites - complete restoration (like a leprous hand into a healthy hand). Two ways God worked through Moses: 1) With his hand grabbing hold of his staff - when he struck the Nile, struck the Red Sea, struck the rock, etc. To us, the staff represented the cross. We must hold onto our cross and carry it just as Moses carried his staff. To them, the staff represented the Hand of God. 2) With just his hands - when he held them up and prayed, when the army defeated Amalek, etc. Both of these were how God told Moses He would reveal Himself as the "I AM" to the people. Moses used the staff for the first three, only his hands for the remaining, and no hands for either plague of death. Why the hands? Because with the hands we WORK! "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might." It's God Who's doing it - you're just using your hands!

Exodus 4:10-16 (1/25/18)

January 25, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* When God called Moses his first response was to focus on his lack. * What he should have done was focus on God’s power. * He looked down at himself before he looked up at God. * Moses had already seen three miracles (the burning bush, staff turning to snake, and hand being leprous) but he still struggled with doubt. Why? * Because his focus was on his own inadequacies. * This is the same thing that made Peter sink when he walked on water. * He was fine so long as he didn’t focus on his lack. * Notice God’s response - ANGER! * vs 14-16 - Aaron was not supposed to be in the picture. * It was Aaron who allowed the people to get out of hand. * When we look down instead of up we’ll allow things into our lives that shouldn’t be there.

Exodus 4:13 (2/8/23)

February 8, 2023 • Benham Brothers • Exodus 4:13

God called Moses to do a really difficult thing, how would Moses respond?   Notice the five objections Moses brought up and how God responded to each:   1) Who am I? (Ex 3:11) - This first objection is actually a good one.  Shows humility - God is drawn to humility.  It’s the same thing David said in Psalms 8:4.  Moses knows that he can’t do what God is asking him to do.  This is the best place to start.  ** God’s response - My presence will be with you.  It’s all you need to do the thing I’ve called you to do!  2) They won’t believe me (Ex 4:1) - This is a valid objection, and is another reason why God responded as He did without getting angry.  ** God’s response - “What’s in your hand?”  God would show His hand through Moses’ hand.  This shows how God works through man to do things on earth.  3) I am NOT (Ex 4:10) - this is where things get bad for Moses.  The phrase “I AM” is God’s name and carries power - but Moses used that phrase in reference to himself and slapped a negative onto it - “I AM NOT!”   Any time you claim God’s name, whatever you put after that carries power. Moses should have focused on God’s power, not his own inadequacy.  ** God’s response - “Who made your mouth?”  Moses was now questioning God, who made Moses!  Focusing on what you don’t have is a slap in God’s face! 4) Send someone else (Ex 4:13) - this was the final straw.  He had been feeling this way all along, but God answered all his other objections with things Moses couldn’t refute.  So Moses opens up and answers honestly - “I don’t want to do it!”  This made God mad. Why?  Because God made Moses for a purpose, and if Moses didn’t want to fulfill this purpose then why was he alive in the first place?   ** God’s response - “I’ll send Aaron with you.”  Notice God’s mercy - he allowed another dude to enter the picture to lighten the load for Moses.  God didn’t give up on him, even though He was mad at him. What a patient, loving God He is. 

Exodus 4:18 (1/25/18)

January 25, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Moses was 80 years old when God called him. * The first thing he did was ask permission from his father-in-law to leave. * Wow. This showed incredible honor. * He could have just said, “God called me to go and I’m going.” * But he honored his earthly authority and handled his responsibility. * Jethro would have to choose a replacement shepherd for Moses’ flock. * Principle - before you rush off to do the thing God called you to do make sure you honor the place where you are now. * If it’s God’s timing He’ll work in the hearts of those who need to let you go. * They won’t always be happy, but they’ll be at peace. * This is what my brother and I did when we felt God calling us to start our own company.

Exodus 4:20-21 (1/24/19)

January 24, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* vs 20 - The staff of Moses was now referred to as the “staff of God.” * When Moses threw it down it changed forever. * The same is true with our stuff (especially our businesses). * When we lay them at God’s feet they change to God’s things. * God’s stuff carries the power. Our own stuff does not. * vs 21 - Just because it’s God’s stuff doesn’t mean it will be easy. * Often times the opposite takes place. * The minute we make peace with God the devil declares war on us. * The going will get tough and may seem like we’re going backwards. * But strength comes through the strain. * When a roadblock comes wait at it until God removes it or changes your direction. * It took 10 plagues before God removed Moses’ roadblock.

Exodus 5:6 (2/15/23)

February 15, 2023 • Benham Brothers • Exodus 5:6

When you follow God, you’ll realize situations often get worse before they get better.  Why?  Because going backward is the secret to going forward.  EX: Throwing a baseball / Throwing a punch  Going backward is how God trains you to be the person who can handle where He’s taking you.  Going backward gives you the power to move forward. Strength comes through strain.  Moses’ life shows us this:  The Israelites were slaves in Egypt.  God told Moses to go Pharaoh and ask to release the people.  He reluctantly obeyed, but it seemed to backfire.  Pharaoh got mad at the request and made their work even harder. Vs 6-9 - “That same day Pharaoh gave this order to the slave drivers and overseers in charge of the people: 7 “You are no longer to supply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own straw. 8 But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; don’t reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, ‘Let us go and sacrifice to our God.’ 9 Make the work harder for the people so that they keep working and pay no attention to lies.” Why would God allow this to happen?  God had to prepare the Israelites for the hard times ahead in the wilderness.  He had to set them up for success with the Egyptian’s gold.  He knew the plagues would end with the death of the firstborn, which would usher in the Passover and prepare the way for Jesus.  Think about a wave on the beach:  The water level gets much lower the moment before a wave hits.  It goes the opposite way it’s intended to go.  If you stopped at that moment, it would discourage you.  But letting nature run its course reveals an incredible increase ahead.  When God moves you backward, take courage - it’s just to prep you for where He’s going to take you.  KEY - Don’t think “HOW can I get out of this, but WHAT can I get out of it.” 

Exodus 5:21 (1/26/17)

January 26, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* In Exodus 4:31 all the people believed Moses and Aaron that God would rescue them from their slavery. * But then in Exodus 5:21 we see them grumbling against Moses and Aaron. * What changed? * Here’s the key - disappointment is the gap between expectation and reality. * I’m sure in the first exchange they expected God to deliver them in a certain way - no struggle, no fear, no problem. * But this isn’t what God had planned. * God had a different plan - He needed to deal with Pharaoh and Egypt first. * He had to prepare them to give the Israelites all their stuff! * When God speaks just keep your focus on Him - if you begin to think about how, when, or what you’ll end up with false expectations. * This will lead to disappointment. * That’s what the Israelites did - they first focused on God but then started focusing on Moses and Aaron. * One last note - when God is going to do something your situation is probably going to get worse before it gets better. * Jeremiah 1:17-20.