
Exodus 5:21 (1/26/17)


January 26, 2017 • Benham Brothers

* In Exodus 4:31 all the people believed Moses and Aaron that God would rescue them from their slavery.
* But then in Exodus 5:21 we see them grumbling against Moses and Aaron.
* What changed?
* Here’s the key - disappointment is the gap between expectation and reality.
* I’m sure in the first exchange they expected God to deliver them in a certain way - no struggle, no fear, no problem.
* But this isn’t what God had planned.
* God had a different plan - He needed to deal with Pharaoh and Egypt first.
* He had to prepare them to give the Israelites all their stuff!
* When God speaks just keep your focus on Him - if you begin to think about how, when, or what you’ll end up with false expectations.
* This will lead to disappointment.
* That’s what the Israelites did - they first focused on God but then started focusing on Moses and Aaron.
* One last note - when God is going to do something your situation is probably going to get worse before it gets better.
* Jeremiah 1:17-20.