
Exodus 1:22 - 2:10 (1/22/17)

A Test of Faith

January 22, 2017 • Benham Brothers

• VS 1:22 - When Satan plans for destruction God plans for deliverance - this is what set the stage for Moses to enter the scene.
• Note: the very first plague 80 years later was the Nile turning to blood and the last plague was the Egyptian first-borns would die - innocent blood has a voice and God will bring justice.
• 1) A mom who was out of options but clung to her faith - she had to die to her dream.
• 2) A baby who had no choice.
• 3) An adoptive mother with a heart of compassion.
• 4) A faithful little girl with a solution for life.
• VS 1 - About this time - which time? A time when it seemed all hope was lost - dark time.
• VS 2 - Imagine these three months - she had her baby but she could have been overcome by fear.
• Hebrews 11:23 - Faithful parents - their faith in God’s plan was stronger than their fear of the king’s edict.
• Faith always overcomes fear - even when our emotions tell us otherwise. HOW?
• VS 3 - WTC - the way to face your fear is to first die to your dreams - let God handle the results.
• VS 4 - We see the faith of a mom and the faithfulness of a daughter.
• Jesus told the disciples to “keep watch” - Miriam shows us the rewards for doing so.
• VS 5-6 - Pharoah’s daughter felt compassion - who do you think put that there? God!
• God used a crying baby to control the most powerful woman in the nation.
• ** God is in control - He can change the heart of that coach to put you in the game.
• The question is, will you honor God if He doesn’t?
• VS 7 - faithfulness coupled with proactivity!
• Miriam faithfully kept watch and then proactively sprang into action when the time was right.
• She proactively put the thought into Pharaoh’s daughter’s mind.
• Her reward?
• VS 8 - she got her brother back and her mom got her baby back!
• The greatest gift a kid can give a parent is faithfulness.
• VS 9 - Mom now had her baby and was paid to take care of him!
• When you die to your dream and cling to your faith God will come through!
• Mom’s situation was so much sweeter AFTER she let her son go than before.
• When your faith intersects with God’s faithfulness you will be changed forever.
• VS 10 - Mom could let him go once again because God had already proven faithful.
• She submitted to his plan, not her own.