
Exodus 4:20-21 (1/24/19)

Rod of God

January 24, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* vs 20 - The staff of Moses was now referred to as the “staff of God.”
* When Moses threw it down it changed forever.
* The same is true with our stuff (especially our businesses).
* When we lay them at God’s feet they change to God’s things.
* God’s stuff carries the power. Our own stuff does not.
* vs 21 - Just because it’s God’s stuff doesn’t mean it will be easy.
* Often times the opposite takes place.
* The minute we make peace with God the devil declares war on us.
* The going will get tough and may seem like we’re going backwards.
* But strength comes through the strain.
* When a roadblock comes wait at it until God removes it or changes your direction.
* It took 10 plagues before God removed Moses’ roadblock.