
Exodus 4:13 (2/8/23)

Four Objections

February 8, 2023 • Benham Brothers • Exodus 4:13

God called Moses to do a really difficult thing, how would Moses respond?  

Notice the five objections Moses brought up and how God responded to each:  

1) Who am I? (Ex 3:11) - This first objection is actually a good one. 

Shows humility - God is drawn to humility. 

It’s the same thing David said in Psalms 8:4. 

Moses knows that he can’t do what God is asking him to do. 

This is the best place to start. 

** God’s response - My presence will be with you. 

It’s all you need to do the thing I’ve called you to do! 

2) They won’t believe me (Ex 4:1) - This is a valid objection, and is another reason why God responded as He did without getting angry. 

** God’s response - “What’s in your hand?” 

God would show His hand through Moses’ hand. 

This shows how God works through man to do things on earth. 

3) I am NOT (Ex 4:10) - this is where things get bad for Moses. 

The phrase “I AM” is God’s name and carries power - but Moses used that phrase in reference to himself and slapped a negative onto it - “I AM NOT!”  

Any time you claim God’s name, whatever you put after that carries power.

Moses should have focused on God’s power, not his own inadequacy. 

** God’s response - “Who made your mouth?” 

Moses was now questioning God, who made Moses! 

Focusing on what you don’t have is a slap in God’s face!

4) Send someone else (Ex 4:13) - this was the final straw. 

He had been feeling this way all along, but God answered all his other objections with things Moses couldn’t refute. 

So Moses opens up and answers honestly - “I don’t want to do it!” 

This made God mad. Why? 

Because God made Moses for a purpose, and if Moses didn’t want to fulfill this purpose then why was he alive in the first place?  

** God’s response - “I’ll send Aaron with you.” 

Notice God’s mercy - he allowed another dude to enter the picture to lighten the load for Moses. 

God didn’t give up on him, even though He was mad at him. What a patient, loving God He is.