
Exodus 4:10-16 (1/25/18)

Look Up Look Down

January 25, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* When God called Moses his first response was to focus on his lack.
* What he should have done was focus on God’s power.
* He looked down at himself before he looked up at God.
* Moses had already seen three miracles (the burning bush, staff turning to snake, and hand being leprous) but he still struggled with doubt. Why?
* Because his focus was on his own inadequacies.
* This is the same thing that made Peter sink when he walked on water.
* He was fine so long as he didn’t focus on his lack.
* Notice God’s response - ANGER!
* vs 14-16 - Aaron was not supposed to be in the picture.
* It was Aaron who allowed the people to get out of hand.
* When we look down instead of up we’ll allow things into our lives that shouldn’t be there.