
Exodus 4:18 (1/25/18)


January 25, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* Moses was 80 years old when God called him.
* The first thing he did was ask permission from his father-in-law to leave.
* Wow. This showed incredible honor.
* He could have just said, “God called me to go and I’m going.”
* But he honored his earthly authority and handled his responsibility.
* Jethro would have to choose a replacement shepherd for Moses’ flock.
* Principle - before you rush off to do the thing God called you to do make sure you honor the place where you are now.
* If it’s God’s timing He’ll work in the hearts of those who need to let you go.
* They won’t always be happy, but they’ll be at peace.
* This is what my brother and I did when we felt God calling us to start our own company.