
Ex 3:2-4 (1/31/14)

Burning Bush

January 31, 2014 • Benham Brothers

When God showed up to Abraham He was a burning lantern, now He shows up as a burning bush.
Moses was in his 40th year of silence on the backside of a mountain - hearing nothing from God.
Moses was doing his duty when he saw it.
When you are in the way of your duty you are in the way of God revealing Himself to you, but you must be ready to see or hear Him.
The progression:
1) He noticed the bush - it burned but didn't consume (this is what happens when God burns inside of us - we will never burn up or burn out.
2) He drew near - God didn't reveal Himself until Moses drew near to Him. God is on fire inside His Book but He won't reveal Himself until you draw near to Him.
3) God called him by name - this is a "rhama" word from God, which is a specific word of God for an individual person.
The "logos" word of God is the general word - the more familiar with are with the logos the more ready we'll be for a rhama.