
Numbers 11:4-6 (3/1/18)

Loss of Appetite

March 1, 2018 • Benham Brothers

* The people were tired of manna - they were no longer content.
* They began to crave something else.
* Rejecting God’s provision is rejecting God.
* Why? Because manna came directly from Him.
* We can apply this in two ways:
* 1) To the Church.
* Look at our churches today - we don’t feed the solid bread of life like we used to because people are craving something different.
* Feeding on God’s Word may feel dry, but it’s life is beyond parallel.
* 2) To us personally.
* We operate out of a spirit of discontent - we become ungrateful as we crave other things.
* So what does God do? He gives us what we want.
* And how does that work out?
* vs 33-34 - “Kibroth Hattaavah” means “graves of craving.”
* God will give you the desire of your heart if you insist on having something He doesn’t want for you.
* But it will be the death of you.
* The more we feed on the Bread of Life (Jesus) the more we’ll stay away from craving what we ought not crave.