
Numbers 2:1-2 (3/29/23)

Relational Order

March 29, 2023 • Benham Brothers • Numbers 2:1–2

Relationship is the “state of being connected.”  

When God created Eve from Adam He separated feminine from masculine.  

He separated what was once one so they could become one by choice.  

The goal wasn’t for separation, it was for oneness.  

God wanted them to come back together “as one.”  

This oneness is what brings God’s: 



Why would we need those? Because we’re in a FIGHT! 

Backstory - the Israelites were marching toward the Promised Land. 

To get this land, they had to fight - so God prepared them for the battle. 

He did several things to get them ready: 

Gave them rules (the Law). 

Gave them the tabernacle (His presence). 

Gave them boundaries (separation). 

Why? So they could be an army fit for a battle. 

Here in Numbers 2 we see very clear separation among the people. 

Vs 1-2 - “The Lord said to Moses and Aaron: “The Israelites are to camp around the tent of meeting some distance from it, each of them under their standard and holding the banners of their family.” 


They centered around God - “The Israelites are to camp around the tent of meeting…” 

If you want power in your life and relationships, it all centers around God. 

They kept their distance - “…some distance from it.” 

You have to show reverence and respect toward God. 

They honored their boundaries - “…each of them under their standard and holding the banners of their family.”

They had to remain distinct from each other.  

This kept them individually separate, but relationally whole! 

Before oneness there must be “two-ness.” 

Two healthy individuals coming together “as one.” 

Boundaries bring freedom. 

They define what’s you and what’s me. 

They keep the good in and the bad out. 

The above is our recipe for winning the battles that we face today. 

Center on God, Reverence and Respect His Name, and Honor Boundaries.

Matthew Henry - "God is the God of order, and not of confusion. These standards made this mighty army seem more beautiful to its friends and more formidable to its enemies."