
Numbers 1-4 (2/21/19)

Moving Forward

February 21, 2019 • Benham Brothers

* Chap 1 -God had already given the people the law and they had built the tabernacle.
* Now it was time for them to move into the Promised Land.
* What would they do?
* How would they be able to go where God wanted them to go and keep His presence among them?
* This is what the book of Numbers is all about.
* It’s a book that counts the people and makes them accountable so they could be counted on to fight the battles that were coming!
* Numbers is a book of organization!
* An organism is something that’s alive because of proper organization.
* The foundation is RELATIONSHIP - they were in relationship with God and with each other.
* The first item of business was the Tabernacle, which represented God’s presence.
* It was the fuel for battle.
* Chap 2 - Here in these verses we see very clear separation among the people. They had to remain distinct from each other. But the ultimate goal wasn’t separation, it was oneness. They would come back together “as one” under the name of God to fight the enemy.
* Chaps 3-4 - These chaps outline the roles and responsibilities of the Levites in dealing with the Tabernacle (the presence of God).
* They erect the boundaries for relationship.
* So long as they stayed inside these boundaries they would maintain fellowship with each other and with God.