
Numbers 13:3 (3/3/16)

Our Own Way

March 3, 2016 • Benham Brothers

• In Deuteronomy 1:22-23 it was the peoples' idea to send out spies.
• They doubted His ability to deliver on the promise.
• When God knew what was in their hearts He gave them a strategy to accomplish it.
• Remember Balaam. Remember divorce.
• The result of wanting our own way?
• 1) Loss of faith.
• 2) Loss of power.
• 3) Loss of opportunity - the Israelites had to turn around - they didn’t get into the Promised Land.
• Danger - when we want our own way God will grant it and we’ll feel good about getting it.
• How did this happen?
• They took their focus off God and walked out of His when they started desiring their own.
• The result? vs 27-28:
• They focused on the problem, not the promise or the person (God).
• The path to the promise is paved with problems.
• When we focus on God and stay in His will we see through the problems to the promise.
• When we focus on our own way and walk out of His will we will stop at the problem.
• Faith knows that opposition prepares you for the opportunity.