
Numbers 7:6-9 (3/11/21)

Rules & Roles

March 11, 2021 • Benham Brothers

* God is a systems-thinker.
* A system is a series of steps that gives you predictable results.
* God created all the systems of life (solar, ecosystem, muscular, skeletal, etc).
* Systems create the boundaries upon which life can thrive.
* Systems operate by two things:
* 1) Rules - built on “If / Then” logic.
* 2) Roles - who does what, when & how.
* The only way a system works is if everyone:
* 1) Obeys the rules.
* 2) Stays in their role.
* ** Relationships need systems to thrive.
* EX: Zoom call w/Whitakers (arguments bc of no system).
* God wanted His relationship with the people to thrive.
* So He set up a system.
* Numbers 3:21-37 - system where the tabernacle of His presence could be taken care of and transported.
* He divided it into three categories, all under the Levites:
* * Gershonites - the structure of the tabernacle
* * Merarites - tearing down, transporting, setting up
* * Kohathites - the furnishings of the tabernacle (the Holy things)
* ** They were to carry the holy things on poles, not carts.
* Numbers 7:1-9 - the Kohathites didn’t get what the others got.
* They were called to something different than their brothers.
* They had a stricter calling because they were in charge of the Holy things.
* * The higher you climb the leader ladder, the more strict your rules are.
* PROBLEM - we often look at the rules and roles for others and think it’s ok for us.
* The result is DEATH!
* 2 Samuel 6:1-8 - hundreds of years later, the Levites carried the ark on carts and Uzzah lost his life.
* God’s system is set - His rules for relationship are in place - you accept whatever role He’s given you and don’t back off of it.