
God's Warnings Series: God Gave Them Over

June 26, 2024

Transcript: Romans Chapter 1 shouts forth God’s sobering warning to America. He says that all people – everywhere -are without excuse since God’s Power, Justice, Authority, and just claim on mankind is proven through all Creation. And, when a person or nation becomes arrogant and rejects God, His Truth and morality, the culture races to the bottom. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute of warning. God made it clear. When a nation refuses Him, three things will happen: I will give them up to general immorality. I will give them up to vile affections and homosexuality. I will reject them and give them over to a reprobate mind that pursues evil, rejects good, and continues to sin even though they know God will judge their actions. Sound like America today? Such a nation will collapse and never rise again. Will you join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV and help us warn others of God’s judgment? Stand with us at American Pastors Network dot net.