
Liberty Series: God is Supreme

July 2, 2024

Transcript: Liberty as identified in our Declaration hinges on God and understanding Him. We are endowed by our Creator… you see, Independence and liberty starts with spiritual freedom which comes from God our Creator and experienced personally as spiritual freedom in Christ. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. Recognizing God and God as Creator -the basis of the Judeo-Christian worldview- is where liberty starts. This God is Supreme, the same Judge of the Universe appealed to in the Declaration. This God is Truth, sovereign, pre-existent, greater than all people and governments. In true civil freedom, God must first be acknowledged as supreme and source of all moral truth. Our founders recognized and started with this fact. Doesn’t America in repentance need to do the same with God as Creator, Sovereign and Judge? Join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV and stand in the Gap for freedom by recognizing God as Supreme and source of all moral truth. Stand with us at stand in the gap media dot org.