
Liberty Series: Starts with Spiritual Freedom

July 1, 2024

Transcript: This week we celebrate Independence Day and the courage of our founders. But independence from what to what? The signers knew, but most Americans sadly don’t. It’s time to reexamine the foundation of liberty and the source of rights that made America great. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American pastor’s network and a timely Stand in the Gap Minute. Liberty can’t be understood without the Bible since civil freedom starts with understanding spiritual freedom. John 8:32 says, and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Without experiencing this spiritual freedom from the power of sin that only faith in Christ can bring, no nation can ever experience lasting civil freedom. The Liberty Bell in Philadelphia says it all from Lev. 25:10 , proclaim liberty – the liberty that comes from obeying God’s commands -throughout all the land and to all the inhabitants therefore. Join with us at Stand in the gap radio and tv and together proclaim liberty – starting with freedom in Christ.  Stand with us as Stand in the gap media dot org.