
God's Warnings Series: Repent Now

June 28, 2024

Transcript: God warns and then He delivers. In Isaiah Chapter 5, the Prophet Isaiah proclaimed judgment on the Jerusalem of his day. His message was one of final judgment. No more warnings. No more time. Could his words be the final words of judgment on America? Hello I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. In verse 24, God said, I’ll destroy your nation because you’ve rejected my commands, and despised My holy name. Therefore, My fearsome anger will come against you. I’ve warned and pleaded with you, but you’ve ignored my voice. In that day, Israel deserved God’s judgment – their sin was great. Their time was up. Shouldn’t we in America look in the mirror and consider our sins in light of Israel then? Idolatry; murder of the unborn; materialism; apathy; moral relativism; addictions of all types; bribery, corruption and arrogant indifference. Will you join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV and respond in repentance to God’s warnings? Stand with us at American Pastors Network dot net.