
The Armor of God Series: The Preparation

June 17, 2024

Transcript: In Eph. 6:10, the apostle Paul commanded Believers to Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. The reason was clear. We’re at war against invisible and evil satanic forces some with human faces but all masquerading as light, powerful in deception. Hello, I’m Sam Rohrer with the American Pastors Network and another Stand in the Gap Minute. Jesus warned that the End Days would be a time of great deception, subversion of Truth and evidence of evil principalities, powers, and the rulers of darkness in this world. Isn’t this America today? We can’t win this war by strategy, cleverness or guns. But we can win if prepared with right armor and right weapons. It’s called the Whole armor of God. Are you in the battle? Are you prepared for battle? This week, I’ll share the 5 pieces of armor we need. Will you join with us at Stand in the Gap Radio and TV and prepare for battle? Sign up and stand with us at Stand in the Gap Media dot org.