
Five Fold Ministry

The Teacher: Wisdom and the Word

April 14, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • 2 Timothy 4:1–4

Often lost in all the activity surrounding the other five-fold office is the Office of the Teacher. Apostles have the thrill of Kingdom adventure. Prophets hear and see the secret things from God. Evangelists rescue the souls of men. Pastors love, lead and protect the sheep. And then there are the teachers. What is so supernatural about the art of teaching people God’s truth? Far more than meets the eye. In 1 Corinthians 12:28, teachers are listed third in rank in the Church right behind apostles and prophets. Teachers impart the weaponry of wisdom for warfare. Teachers are God’s tool to open our eyes to His self-revelation. Teachers impart to us the biblical truth and principles for victory. Teachers take the sublime and impart it to us in ways that we can hear, understand and align ourselves with eternal truth. As we approach the end of the age, teachers will no longer be hidden in a classroom with a handful of saints who choose to go deeper. God will promote the teacher of the Word to a prioritized status as deception in the world continues to arise. Teachers are our guides into maturity, wisdom and power from God.

Apostles: Government, Order & Advance

March 17, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Ephesians 4:11–13

When it comes to how God has designed His Church to be led and cared for, He places the Office of Apostle first in sequence before the other four offices. It is not that Apostles are better than the other four, as we know that all the 5-Fold offices have equal validity. It is simply that God has ordained for Apostles to be the tip of the spear in Church structure and government. This message asks and answers the question if true Apostles still exist today. We will also see scripturally what Apostles do, how God equips them, and what happens when they faithfully discharge their God-given assignments. Apostolic leadership was crucial in the early Church. This message will help us to see why we still need apostolic leadership today, and what happens when we follow their spiritual leadership and authority in the Kingdom.

Prophets: Eyes, Ears & Mouths

February 25, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Jeremiah 1:4–10

Perhaps the most frequently misunderstood office of five-fold leadership in the church is the office of the Prophet. Who are these people and what exactly do they do? Some wonder if they even are still valid in the Church - so, are they still essential to church leadership and missional advance? What does the Bible say about the call and function of prophets? Some may be surprised to hear that not all prophetically gifted people are meant to hold the office of the Prophet - how does this work? Partnering alongside apostles, teachers, evangelists and pastors, the Prophet is an incredible gift to the Church in every generation. Yet, Scripture seems to mention false prophets just as often as true prophets are written of - how can we tell the difference? Do all prophets see into the future? Do they all work miracles? The modern Church so many conflicting opinions of this five-fold office. This message opens up a wealth of Scripture to help us understand the call and commitment of God’s Prophets. It will also likely help some who listen to conclude that this calling from God actually rests upon them in the present day.

Relearning What a Pastor Is

February 4, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Ezekiel 34:11–16

Most churches in the modern day Western Hemisphere are led by a person with the title of Pastor. The pastor is responsible for providing visionary direction. The pastor is expected to win the lost and make them into disciples. The pastor is paid to visit the sick, marry the engaged, bury the deceased, counsel the struggling, resolve conflicts, study the Word and preach it with skill, mentor younger people, lead the church staff, and pray without ceasing. The Church in the West thinks of a one-stop-shop type of leader when it uses the term Pastor. Yet, God actually never endorsed this type of thinking. God’s blueprint for the Church does not include the notion that a pastor is to provide everything the local church needs. Is it any wonder that church members often find themselves disappointed in their Pastor? Is it any wonder why pastors frequently burn out and quit? The problem is found in our lack of understanding about what God actually gifts a true pastor for, and what He expects them to do. The solution to the problem is for pastors and churches to embrace what the Bible teaches about the office of the Pastor. As we continue our series on 5-Fold Ministry, it is time to realign with the biblical presentation of what a Pastor really is, and how he/she is to fulfill that calling in the plan of God for the Church.

Evangelists: Harvesting Leaders

January 28, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Luke 4:16–21

Nobody gets into the Kingdom of God without hearing a presentation of the Gospel of Jesus. We are justified by faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Apart from this component, nobody gets in the Kingdom. We must honor and be grateful for those who are graced by God with an evangelistic 5-Fold leadership calling. These men and women live to share the Gospel, and they motivate and equip others to do the same. Jesus is the consummate evangelist, and from His earthly ministry, we learn much about the 5-Fold leadership office of Evangelist in the Church.

Why 5-Fold Ministry?

January 21, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Ephesians 4:11–15

For a very long time, local churches have been operating under a less-than-biblical leadership paradigm. When answering the question, 'Who leads the church?’ most people will quickly give the answer, “The pastor!” Yet, this answer is incomplete. This answer is not even necessarily correct. This question and it’s hasty answer have gone unexamined for far too long. What does the Bible actually say about how God has designed His Church to be humanly led? Is the office of Pastor the God-ordained one-stop-shop for everything needed to lead a local church? This series of messages begins with an eye-opening glance at the foundational passage that reveals God’s blueprints for how He leads His church. If our design is not aligned with the Bible, two things will happen: the flock will become confused and frustrated, and the primary leader will burn out soon enough. When local churches take initiative to develop a biblical framework for church leadership, Kingdom-beauty flows from the design that God has ordained, and the Head of the church, King Jesus, advances His mission with love, harmony, and power.