
Prophets: Eyes, Ears & Mouths

Jeremiah 1:4-10

February 25, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Jeremiah 1:4–10

Perhaps the most frequently misunderstood office of five-fold leadership in the church is the office of the Prophet. Who are these people and what exactly do they do? Some wonder if they even are still valid in the Church - so, are they still essential to church leadership and missional advance? What does the Bible say about the call and function of prophets? Some may be surprised to hear that not all prophetically gifted people are meant to hold the office of the Prophet - how does this work? Partnering alongside apostles, teachers, evangelists and pastors, the Prophet is an incredible gift to the Church in every generation. Yet, Scripture seems to mention false prophets just as often as true prophets are written of - how can we tell the difference? Do all prophets see into the future? Do they all work miracles? The modern Church so many conflicting opinions of this five-fold office. This message opens up a wealth of Scripture to help us understand the call and commitment of God’s Prophets. It will also likely help some who listen to conclude that this calling from God actually rests upon them in the present day.