
Apostles: Government, Order & Advance

Ephesians 4:11-13

March 17, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Ephesians 4:11–13

When it comes to how God has designed His Church to be led and cared for, He places the Office of Apostle first in sequence before the other four offices. It is not that Apostles are better than the other four, as we know that all the 5-Fold offices have equal validity. It is simply that God has ordained for Apostles to be the tip of the spear in Church structure and government. This message asks and answers the question if true Apostles still exist today. We will also see scripturally what Apostles do, how God equips them, and what happens when they faithfully discharge their God-given assignments. Apostolic leadership was crucial in the early Church. This message will help us to see why we still need apostolic leadership today, and what happens when we follow their spiritual leadership and authority in the Kingdom.