
Why 5-Fold Ministry?

Ephesians 4:11-15

January 21, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Ephesians 4:11–15

For a very long time, local churches have been operating under a less-than-biblical leadership paradigm. When answering the question, 'Who leads the church?’ most people will quickly give the answer, “The pastor!” Yet, this answer is incomplete. This answer is not even necessarily correct. This question and it’s hasty answer have gone unexamined for far too long. What does the Bible actually say about how God has designed His Church to be humanly led? Is the office of Pastor the God-ordained one-stop-shop for everything needed to lead a local church? This series of messages begins with an eye-opening glance at the foundational passage that reveals God’s blueprints for how He leads His church. If our design is not aligned with the Bible, two things will happen: the flock will become confused and frustrated, and the primary leader will burn out soon enough. When local churches take initiative to develop a biblical framework for church leadership, Kingdom-beauty flows from the design that God has ordained, and the Head of the church, King Jesus, advances His mission with love, harmony, and power.