
God is For Us

Air Date: May 19th & 25th

July 3, 2021

Do we have room to imagine the Lord is with us, even when our circumstances are less than ideal? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson shows how God’s presence dwelled with people who earnestly sought after Him, including Abraham, Joseph, Joshua, Gideon, Samuel, David, Hezekiah, Mary, and Jesus. Just as the Lord's presence resided with these Bible heroes, even amongst extreme hardships, He promises to be with us today. He will guide, protect, and dwell with us, as we earnestly seek Him and submit to His plans for our lives.

What We Can Do (Export)

When pressure is great, it’s important to know the fundamentals of our faith. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses foundational truths that will help us successfully navigate any circumstance. He provides helpful biblical insight on parenting, honoring our parents, the importance of forgiveness, and the power of God to restore lives. He also offers perspective on what it means to be an intercessor. We tend to think of interceding in terms of prayer, but we are also called to be intercessors by speaking truth and leading the people around us toward godliness.

Do Not Be Deceived - Ways to Protect Yourself

January 27, 2021

As lies, censorship, and propaganda surrounds us, it takes effort to identify Truth. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson offers seven ways to protect yourself from deception, such as cultivating humility, basing everything on the Scriptures, being wary of fantasy, and keeping your faith simple and plain. He also identifies several attitudes and behaviors that make us vulnerable to deceit and false prophecy, including having a limited awareness of Scripture. Pastor Allen’s points create "guardrails" that will help us distinguish Truth from deception.

Do Not Be Deceived

January 24, 2021

We are walking through a time of dramatic deception, and we need to know how to recognize it because we are all vulnerable. Pastor Allen Jackson names three key coordinates we can use to discern whether something is true or false: If it aligns with Jesus, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit, it’s truth! He talks about the fallacies of liberation theology, new age philosophies, false prophecy, the use of occult practices like seances and tarot cards to predict the future, and other destructive movements that are prevalent in today’s culture. God’s Truth is the anecdote to deception, and with Jesus, we can not only be delivered from it, but be redeemed!