
Do Not Be Deceived

Air Date: May 26th & 31st

January 24, 2021

We are walking through a time of dramatic deception, and we need to know how to recognize it because we are all vulnerable. Pastor Allen Jackson names three key coordinates we can use to discern whether something is true or false: If it aligns with Jesus, the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit, it’s truth! He talks about the fallacies of liberation theology, new age philosophies, false prophecy, the use of occult practices like seances and tarot cards to predict the future, and other destructive movements that are prevalent in today’s culture. God’s Truth is the anecdote to deception, and with Jesus, we can not only be delivered from it, but be redeemed!

What To Do In A Crisis

You need to know what to do in a crisis before you find yourself in one—because at that point, it’s too late to make a plan. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson points out the crisis we’re facing as a nation, and God’s plan that leads to restoration. He offers insight from the book of Leviticus, which shows God’s great holiness and our need for repentance. When we turn our hearts toward God and choose to pursue holy lives, it opens doors of possibility only He could orchestrate. He points out fundamental truths about our faith and God’s character that provide a firm foundation in any crisis we may face.

Faith Mountains - Then The End Will Come

The Bible makes it clear that time will come to an end. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses this truth and how it should influence the way we approach our daily lives. The end of our physical existence is not the end of us—our spirits live on. God has a plan for us beyond time, and we can choose to participate and help build His Kingdom today or go our own way. It can be hard to stand up for God and His Truth, and Pastor Allen offers several scriptures that remind us that our strength and security comes from the Lord, not governments, and not men. Let’s recognize the places we’ve been hesitant in our faith, repent, then step back into the arena as unrelenting advocates of Jesus of Nazareth as Lord, Christ, and King.

The End of This Age - Your Will Be Done on Earth

“There has been a season change,” Pastor Allen Jackson says, and “it’s not about a virus or any other single cause. I think there is a spiritual layer beneath all those things that presents itself in different ways. The outcomes are fear, confusion, violence, disorder, and disruption.” Jesus gave us a description of what the world would be like prior to His return to the earth, and the conditions of this present age seem to indicate that it is coming toward its conclusion. Pastor Jackson reminds us that even though the present age will come under God’s judgment, He is more than able to rescue the godly. The Spirit of God and the Word of God can transform us as we pour ourselves into the assignments God has for us.