
Romans 2 Part 3

Baruch Korman • Romans 2:16–29

Each of us were created by God. There are no second class creations, God loves each of us.
And He wants us to be a recipient of His love. Now, when we look at the Scripture, we see
something, God does not evaluate us by looking at the external, meaning how we look in a
mirror how people see us. But the Bible is very clear. It says that God looks to the inner person,
to the heart. Why? Because a heart is synonymous with the very essence of a person, how we
think, and we know how one thinks is going to dictate how they believe. We need to be an
individual, that through the redemption of Messiah, that our mind is change, that we have the
mind of Messiah. And when we do, and we don't rebel, we are going to do the works of Messiah.