
Romans 1 part 3

Baruch Korman • Romans 1:18–25

Our God is a God of choice, meaning this God gives to every man truth in order that they make
a right decision. And what is that right decision? Submitting to the truth? Now many people will
say what if someone doesn't know the truth? Well, we're going to see in tonight's study, that
God reveals Himself that He is the one true living God. And people they are without excuse, if
they do not submit to him. Take out your Bibles and look with me to the book of Romans and
chapter one, the book of Romans and chapter one. Now I mentioned choice because as we
concluded last week, we saw the emphasis was in God's power. And I'm speaking about that
wonderful message of the gospel, the gospel when we receive it, we also receive the power of
God through the Holy Spirit. And that power, and His Truth brings about a wonderful change in
our life, a change of righteousness, one that comes about because of faith, and faith is
believing the revelation of God