
Part 6 - Communication B

May 15, 2016

“The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”- 1 Timothy 1:5

Communication is an intricate part of achieving the dream of God. In every area of life, it is im-portant to understand that communication is not merely speaking with the intent of being heard; but rather the root and purpose of communication lies in taking responsibility for understanding what is being spoken and, most importantly, being understood.

If apprehension and comprehension are not the products of what has been spoken, then our conversations simply cannot be called communication. In the same light, what is being projected needs to harmoniously align with what is being perceived on the other end. Each must take full responsibility for ensuring that they are not just heard, but understood.

Miscommunication often results from an impure heart; which spills over from pride, sin, pre-sumption and assumption. Therefore, in order to communicate effectively, the heart needs to examined daily.

As noted in 1 Timothy 1:5 above Paul explains that true love is communicated from a pure heart, a clear conscience and genuine faith. It follows that when there is sincerity and genuineness of heart there will never be any confusion in communication. Why? Because what is being com-municated is synonymous with what is in the heart.
When what is in your heart opposes what is being expatiated, the fullness and depth of the au-thentic meaning of love will never be understood. In order to build a strong and effective team, clear and concise understanding of the power that lies in our expression of love must be attained.

In taking responsibility for what is being communicated there are a few important to have:

• Belief - belief in your family, children, community, and church...
Faith is believing that which cannot be seen. In order to expand one’s faith, full confidence in the things that the natural eye cannot perceive must be exercised regularly. Where there is be-lief there is expectation; speaking into existence what is hoped for and appropriating the future for today! Where there is no expectation, there is no belief. Communicating expectation is an integral part of sustainable grow within a team. Whether it be between husband and wife, with-in the family unit any area where a team is required, we must set apart time to communicate expectations. Misconstrued expectations will lead to a team’s demise.

• Opportunity - in order to bring belief into the natural realm, we create opportunity. Opportuni-ty creates a place where work can be done and things can be accomplished. Opportunity ne-cessitates structure. A clear and concise plan as to how goals and objectives will be accom-plished within the team creates the borders within which a team can thrive.

• Accountability - accountability is rooted in the word count. We have to keep close watch and record over things that we communicated. Monitoring and keeping account is not about the how but rather the why. The driving force and motive must always be love. Keeping close account helps in assessing the level or standard that is being achieved .

• Training - training propels an individual to the place where they can communicate on the right level. Once the expectation has been communicated and there is understanding, being equipped and empowered then allows for exceptional execution and harmonious correspond-ence of expected actions.

• Celebration - celebrating the seed that has been sown, the work and the hours that have been put in, celebrating and acknowledging faithfulness and contribution is important. Often times we neglect to celebrate the contribution because we do not see the results, but it is important to acknowledge the seed that has been sown, that in faith that which you do not see you already possess.

We need to communicate our appreciation of every effort and not just the achievements. Let us determine to communicate with careful consideration of these points and so encourage and in-spire in our homes, ministries and lives at large.