
Part 3 - Stronger Together A

March 20, 2016 • Pastor Charnè Pretorius

Matthew 11:28-30 Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light (NKJV)

Having an excellent team is important in any area where conquest is desired. Even in the World, this principle has been widely taught and practiced. An individual without a team has no clout, no sustainability and hardly any voice in the bigger picture. To the extent that a team can be mobilized, a dream can be realized…

Team by implication denotes unifying around a common goal. In saying ‘yes’ to a particular thing, we always say ‘no’ to something else. When a team unites around a shared, agreed-upon goal, they become a powerful force against anything that can damage or oppose the cause they stand and work for. Within the context of a pre-determined goal, diversity and different skill sets become an asset that regardless of the differences, work together towards the final outcome. An excellent example of this is found in Genesis 11:1-9 where humanity united in their quest to build the tower of Babel. God’s response to their resolution clearly indicates the tremendous power locked up in having a unified team.

In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus invites us to become part of His team. He poses this beautiful offer in response to seeing how weary and overburdened the people around Him were. When we place ourselves under God’s yoke, making His dream our dream, His goal what we live for, His way of doing our way of doing, we partake of the blessing of being part of His team – bearing an easy yoke and a light burden. Just like oxen placed in a yoke do the work together instead of each one on their own, God wants us to yoke-up together in pursuit of achieving the Kingdom-dream that none should perish and all be saved. Being yoked together requires of us to know who we are in relation to the other team members and also to learn and understand who we are yoked up with. In this process a multitude of strengths can be applied to conquer individual weaknesses and jointly achieve a goal that could never be reached by any one member of the team on their own.

In order for us to enter into the rest God has for us, He wants us to take up His yoke exclusively – His way of doing, unpolluted and undiluted by any of our own opinions or preferences. In order to do this it is of crucial importance that we should position ourselves to learn His way of doing. Being a member of a cell group, attending church, training and encounter weekend provides us with invaluable training in this regard. As we receive the Word and align our way of thinking and doing with the standard set out in the Word, we can become unified in the way we do life.

Teamwork is always compromised where personal agendas are mixed into the team goal (Proverbs 18:1). It is the joint goal, the one dream that creates a common sense of frustration and desperation to change and grow in all the team members. Growth and change is the natural outflow of frustration. Deliberate growth towards a pre-determined goal, sets us up for breakthrough in that it inspires specific, joint action that can take us forward. In the Kingdom, there is tremendous power in praying together. God responds to and answers Word-based, faith-filled, fervent prayer (James 5:16). He commands His blessing wherever there is unity (Matthew 18:19). A team united in prayer, will also find themselves united in action.

Be encouraged this week to yoke yourself up with a team that has given all their burdens and heavy loads to the Lord in order to take up His burden and His soft yoke. Join us as an active, participating team member as we push back darkness, pray and actively work towards bringing in the multitudes!