
Part 2 - Unity Of The Team

March 13, 2016 • Pastor Bert Pretorius

Habakkuk 2:2 Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. (NKJV)

Where there is a team there is conquest. One is always too little to achieve greatness but a team unified through a dream can achieve far above even the most gifted individual. Throughout the Bible the importance of having a dream is emphasized numerous times. The Lord dreamt about every individual ever created (Isaiah 29:11; Psalm 139) and then created us in His image, with the inherent capacity to dream and envision just like He does.

Dreams underpin reality in a significant way since it becomes the foundation of what we meditate on, resultantly speak and so pull into the reality of the physical realm. What we dream determines what we confess and what we confess defines what we get… Because dreams are so powerful, it is extremely important that we should dream with the Lord instead of dreaming our own selfish, often negative, dreams. When we dream in accordance with the plan and purpose God has for our lives there are no limits to what the Lord will do for us (Ephesians 3:20). A God-dream finds it essence in the heart of God – it is devoid of personal agendas or selfish motives. As such it has the ability to work unity in a very special way.

The unity achieved through a common goal, was part of the success of the Early Church as seen in the book of Acts. The New Testament Church embraced the apostles’ doctrine, fellowship, communion and prayer as an integral part of their existence (Acts 2:42). Not only did they regard these four elements as crucially important, they did so in unity. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was poured out through a powerful manifestation of the presence of God as the believers were praying in one accord (Acts 2:2). Every member of the church in Acts had one dream, one goal – to spread the Gospel and win souls.

Individuals grouped together do not equal a team. A team comes into existence only once every member of the team sets themselves and their personal agendas aside for the purpose of embracing the team dream and actively working towards the joint goal. Just like a hybrid animal (such as the mule) combines the best qualities of two pure breeds at the cost of being barren, so a God-dream, mixed with selfish, human dreams, will produce nothing but a team of hard workers that do not have the capacity to multiply or do anything other than just laboring to make the leader. This is not what the Lord wants for us.

Paul teaches his spiritual son, Timothy that he should make it his mission to entrust everything he learnt to trustworthy, able people (2 Timothy 2:2). In a successful team, the leader works not to achieve what will benefit him/her personally but instead the leader’s ultimate goal is to empower every team member to be the best they can possibly be. When we make God’s dream our dream, it brings out the best in every single individual involved. As we die to ourselves, we come alive to God’s original plan. Working together we achieve infinitely more than ever possible on our own. Even gifted individuals cannot achieve optimally without the backing of a team. A Chinese proverb sums this up beautifully in saying that individuals play the game, but a team wins the championship.

Jesus made God’s dream clear in a few simple words – loving God and loving people (Matthew 22:37-38). In Matthew 28:19-20 He tells His disciples how to execute the dream of God – “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” Up until today, this still remains the dream and the strategy – to love every soul enough to not only connect them to the Lord through salvation, but also to teach them how to do the same for others.

Join us this week as we start dreaming with God again, taking hands and joining hearts across the manifold divides of culture, age, status and too many differences to name, in pursuit of this one thing – that none should perish