
Part 1 - The Power Of A Dream

March 6, 2016 • Pastor Bert Pretorius

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do super-abundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us. (NKJV)

Where there is a team there can be conquest. Wherever conquest is required, there is cause for calling together a team. In the absence of a team even a gifted individual can never achieve what would have been achieved had there been a team. Having a dynamic team starts with having a dream.

Throughout the Bible it is clear that God is a visionary God that has a multitude of dreams for us (Jeremiah 29:11; Psalm 139:17). He created us as a manifestation of His dream, in His image and with His unique ability to dream. Our ability to dream is inherent to our very nature. Because it is part of our being, it can be applied for both good and evil. This means that we can literally dream ourselves to death if we allow our focus to fall on physical evidence and factual information as opposed to on what the Word says.

A dream can be defined as a condition or achievement that is longed for. Having a dream speaks of being able to visualize beyond the current reality (for good or evil). In our walk with the Lord, dreams and visions form an integral part of the Holy Spirit’s communication with us. Pastor Cesar Castellanos often says that dreams and visions are the language of the Holy Spirit. John Maxwell writes: “I believe God wants us to dream big dreams because He is a big God that wants to do big things and He wants to do it through us.”

Sadly we easily loose our ability to dream. This happens when we stop believing in the dream that God has for us. We find a good example of this in Genesis 11:27 where the dream of being God’s people and living in the Promised Land was given to Abraham’s Father, Terah. Unfortunately, Terah did not complete the journey on which he embarked with his family – he settled in Haran, the place where his son Haran passed away. Sometimes we stop dreaming as a result of disappointment, loss, failure or trauma (Proverbs 13:12). When we fixate on these things instead of maintaining our focus on the dream and purpose of God, it becomes easy to passively settle for mediocrity.

When the dream is lost, the ability to continue is also lost. Without a dream there is nothing that inspires, no common goal that can unite and no direction or expectation that urges us on. In the absence of a dream we fail to set goals and stop asking God to help us. Being without a dream paves the way for a purposeless, wasted life with no direction.

As God’s children we have a responsibility to refuse to settle for anything less than what God intended for us. It is on us to inspire those around us with the vision we receive from God, all the while understanding that we are under construction, en route and not yet perfected. We have to, deliberately and with pre-determined focus set our minds on living remarkable lives that will honour the Lord. The blueprint for such a life is found in aligning our dreams with the Lord’s dreams. When His dreams and purposes become our dreams and purposes, He enables us to realize it (Psalm 37:4; John 15:7; Ephesians 3:17-19).

Be challenged this week to assess your own life – where have you settled for less than what the Lord originally intended? Are you living the dream in your marriage, as a family, in your ministry, community or any other significant area in your life? Did disappointment and doubt quench your excitement? It can all change as you lift up your eyes again to firmly fix your gaze on the Author and the Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) and His most beautiful dream for your life!