
Part 5 - Communication A

May 1, 2016 • Pastor Bert Pretorius

"Where there is a team there is conquest!" - Ps Cesar Castellanos

In order for a team to become a dreamteam that conquers all, the make of the team must be examined. Jesus is the perfect model of a team builder.

In 1 Corinthians 11:1 Paul says: “And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.”

Christ raised up a team, a team of twelve! The life that Jesus lived modeled how He dealt with people, how He interacted with people with different personalities, how He dealt with Judas and how He dealt with and treated the disciples.

As we imitate the life of Christ it becomes obvious that we too need raise teams of twelve who will greatly impact the world.
John Maxwell put it very simply: “You are good, but you’re not that good.” This magnifies the necessity for a team, to establish anything meaningful and worthwhile in the team. Proverbs 18:1 compliments this quote: “He who stays away from others cares only about himself. He argues against all good wisdom.”

As the Creator of mankind, God had a plan and a dream for each and every single one of His children. In Jeremiah 1:5 it says that God knew us before we were born and that He has set us apart and appointed us for His purposes or dreams for our lives. God purposed that we would live extraordinary lives and to live them in abundance.

Before Jesus went to be with the Father, He gave us this commission: “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” He then goes on to say: ”Teach them all the things I’ve commanded to you.” What has God commanded us to do? He has commanded us to love Him with all our hearts and to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. We love people by laying our lives down for them, wholeheartedly and sincerely serving those around us.

Communication is vital in building a sustainable dream team. Even the purest intentions and the purest hearts can work against the team if there is not genuine communication. Contrary to idealistic definitions of communication, true communication is making sure that what is being said is understood and that there is clear and concise comprehension of the topic at hand. Therefore, it is each person’s responsibility to ensure that there is synonymity between what is being said and what is being received.

The word of God says that out the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). It is when we attempt to cover up what’s really going on in our hearts that we allow pride, presumption and assumption to creep into our lives. This hinders the effectiveness of communication. It creates confusion because where there is a lack of genuineness there will be disharmony.

Genuineness and sincerity of heart are prerequisites for effective communication. God must deal with and cleanse the heart first, in order for us to operate and communicate with and through love. For God to properly deal with our hearts we must partake of the table. God wants to heal, transform and restore every relationship and the communion table facilitates this divine work.

Be encouraged this week to take communion — as a couple, a family and in your cell group. The Bible encourages us to do it as often as possible (1 Corinthians 11:25). Because it confronts us in all of our relationships; it helps us consider each other and in line with today;s word find ourselves not just as a cumulative, but truly united in Christ as a dreamteam.