
Part 7 - Communication C

May 29, 2016

“Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonourable, he will be a vessel for honourable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.” - 2 Timothy 2:21

Where there is a dream, God will provide a team and where there is a team there is conquest. Sometimes we get complacent in our ability to or our belief in the dream. Understanding that we have been given the ability to dream God-sized dreams enables us to unlock supernatural growth and multiplication in our lives and allows God to take us from faith to faith. This is clear in Ephesians 3:20, where Paul writes: “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.“

Therefore, it was evident that communication is imperative within a team. Miscommunication is bred from an impure heart which inevitably results in mistrust. Pretentious living often goes by unnoticed; however the fruits of pretentious living become discernible when your true motive, what is in your heart; the reason you do what you do, goes against what you say and what you do which inevitably causes confusion. The bible teaches us that it is important to cleanse our hearts by partaking of the table. Paul writes about the importance of having a pure heart in 1 Timothy 1:5; “The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith.”

Let us consider the effect of taking time out to huddle as a team:

In sports games team huddles can often change the outcome of the game. The purpose of the huddle is never to complain and highlight negative aspects of the game, nor is it to engage in hopelessness self-pity. Rather it gathers the team in order to re-strategize, refocus and refuel. There are a few essentials that need to be communicated within the huddle to ensure a triumphant outcome:

• Focus the team
A dream-team coach makes it a priority to re-evaluate the fundamentals when the team is in a compromised state. Often times as a result of external factors, the team loses sight of what is important; and they need to be reminded and refocused.
• Opportunity to listen
It is imperative that there is an opportunity given for an exchange of information. The coach is able to communicate accurately with the team and gain information from the team. It is important to avoid presumptions and assumptions.

• Opportunity to make personal and play changes
Once struggles and weaknesses are clearly communicated, the coach can now accurately re-evaluate and modify the game-plan to best suit the circumstances at hand. This involves swopping and modifying responsibilities to ensure the team's best chance of victory. Play changes during a game require a flexible coach. This is the ability to make small changes when small changes are necessary and big changes when big changes are necessary; it is being able to discern where the team is at and what the team needs at that specific time. Often an external commentator is necessary because the players cannot always see the full scope of what is happening in the game.

• Opportunity to rest
The huddle gives players the opportunity to take a breather; the chance to compose themselves, recuperate and get their heads back in the game. Rest can many times be exactly what the team needs to attain a favourable outcome in the game.

It is important to huddle as husband and wife, to huddle as a family and to huddle as a cell group. Throughout the bible we see that Paul huddled his team on countless occasions ( Thessalonians and 1 Corinthians 16.) .

In 1 Thessalonians 5:12 Paul writes, "Dear brothers and sisters, honour those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance.”
In every area of your life honour and celebrate your teammates, be it your wife, your husband your cell leader and even your cell mates. Take the time to huddle and communicate with one another to appropriate the overwhelming victory that is already ours in Christ.