
The Power of Your Thinking: Elevate Your Attitude

Genesis 31:3

We must always make the decision that whatever negative, unproductive, ungodly and unhealthy attitudes that we have packed in our human existence, it is time that we elevate so that we will not eliminate the future blessings that the Lord has in store for our lives. Our attitudes today are always a result of the social orientation of our past, but if we are not careful, we can allow painful memories to create a painful future. Get his....YOUR PAST WAS NOT MEANT TO LAST, BUT YOUR PAST WAS YOUR TRAINING CLASS.....NOW THE QUESTION IS, WILL YOU PASS OR WILL YOU REPEAT YOUR PAST?

No one can make the choice for you except you...no exception! It's not your mother, your father, your friends, your co-workers or anyone's fault for who you and I become. We will always be who we are because of who we are, and it all begins with the ATTITUDE! Therefore, I want to share with you FOUR principles on how you can make a change for the better that can prevent you from being bitter. Once you elevate your mind in these principles, I believe you will begin to see your life a lot better!

1. You Must Elevate Your COMMUNICATION
"The Lord said unto Jacob..."

a. This kind requires TRUST

b. This kind requires HONESTY

c. This kind requires AVAILABILITY

2. You Must Elevate Your DIRECTION
"...return unto the Lord..."

a. Go in the path of your PURPOSE

b. Go in the path of your PREPARATION

c. Go in the path of your PAIN

3. You Must Elevate Your ASSOCIATION
",,of thy father, and to thy kindred..."

a. God will sometimes make use of your PAST

b. God will sometimes make use of your HATERS

c. God will sometimes make use of your FEARS

4. You Must Elevate Your DEDICATION
"..And I will be with you."

a. This commitment gives you ASSURANCE

b. This commitment will demand from you ENGAGEMENT

c. This commitment will guarantee you DELIVERANCE

Remember, a bad attitude is like a flat tire. If you don't change it, you will never go anywhere!