
The Power of FOUR-LETTER Words: Do's & Don'ts

Ephesians 4:29

A lot of times we say things like "they made me say it." That is the biggest lie known to human existence. No one has the power to make us say anything that was not already in our hearts and heads. Remember, if it is not already in us, it cannot be provoked to come out of us. Just like no one can make you speak another language that you do not know, likewise, no one can make you say words that you do not already have inside of you. God designed words to be positive and productive. Proverbs 18:21 says "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit." It's very simple, whatever you speak you produce. Most of us reading this are very familiar with FOUR LETTER WORDS (lol). I want to share a different set of FOUR-LETTER words.

a. HATE Is a Four-Letter Word That Can Mess Up Your Life

b. ENVY Is a Four-Letter Word That Can Mess Up Your Life

c. LUST Is a Four-Letter Word That Can Mess Up Your Life

d. IDOL Is a Four-Letter Word That Can Mess Up Your Life

e. CAN'T Is a Four-Letter Word That Can Mess Up Your Life

1. LOVE is a Four-Letter Word That Can BLESS Your Life (1st John 4:8)

2. ABLE is a Four-Letter Word That Can EMPOWER Your Life (Philippians 4:13)

3. HOPE is a Four-Letter Word Than Can MOTIVATE Your Life (Matthew 21:22)

4. WORK Is a Four-Letter Word That Can STABILIZE Your Life (Jeremiah 29:11)

5. GIVE is a Four-Letter Word Than Can MAXIMIZE Your Life (James 1:27)

6. PRAY is a Four-Letter Word Than Can SUSTAIN Your Life (Jeremiah 33:3)

7. OBEY is a Four-Letter Word Than Can FAVOR Your Life (Proverbs 22:17)

8. LIVE is a Four-Letter Word That Can ADVANCE Your Life (John 10:10)

Decide today that you are speak words in your life that will Empower You to Live Beyond Life Limitations. I pray that these four-letter words have blessed you. I leave you with one last four-letter word and that word is HOLY!