
The Power of Your Discipline: Get Out of Your Own Way

Philippians 3:12-14

Six Self-Sabotaging Habits That Are Destructive
1. NEGATIVITY Is a Self-Sabotaging Habit That Is MENTALLY Destructive

2. PROCRASTINATION Is a Self-Sabotaging Habit That Is ECONOMICALLY Destructive

3. GLUTTONY Is a Self-Sabotaging Habit That Is PHYSICALLY Destructive

4. UNFORGIVENESS Is a Self-Sabotaging Habit That Is SPIRITUALLY Destructive

5. ARROGANCE Is a Self-Sabotaging Habit That Is SOCIALLY Destructive

6. PRIDE Is a Self-Sabotaging Habit That Is HUMANLY Destructive


1. Get Out of Your Own Way by Consistently HUMBLING Yourself (Verse 12)

2. Get Out of Your Own Way by Consistently CHALLENGING Yourself (Verse 12)

3. Get Out of Your Own Way by Consistently ACCEPTING Yourself (Verse 13)

4. Get Out of Your Own Way by Consistently FREEING Yourself (Verse 13)

5. Get Out of Your Own Way by Consistently COMMITING Yourself (Verse 14)

Always remember that the first step to getting out of your own way is getting out of your own way. I believe in you! God believes in you! Therefore, if you believe in yourself and your possibilities, go forth and make the best of the rest of your life and get out of your own way. I hope these principles were helpful.