
The Power of Your Actions: Do Something with Your Life

Jonah 3:1-4

The life of Jonah is one of a man who was scared to do the will of the Lord because his mindset conditioned him to believe that it is better to run from God than to obey God. He didn't realize that in the words of some saint of old, "you can run, but you can't hide." The reason why you can't hide is because no matter where you are, God is already there. If the Lord has called you to do something in your life, if He has purposed you for something; the only thing you can ultimately do is yield to the will of the Lord, or find yourself living a miserable life on the run from a God who you will never be able to get away from.

This is the life of Jonah in our APP lesson, he is on the run, but he soon discovered that he could not hide from God because God was keeping HIs eternal surveillance eyes on his every step. Ultimately, Jonah decided to yield to the will of the Lord and obey Him. My question to you as you look at this app is, are your actions in the will of the Lord, or are you on the run from that which you know God has purposed your life to be? If you are, I want to encourage you to stop running, because you will never out run the Lord.

Chapter 1: Jonah is Running FROM God

Chapter 2: Jonah Is Running TO God

Chapter 3: Jonah is Running WITH God

Chapter 4: Jonah is Running IN God

1. Your Actions for God Should CONVICT You (Verse 1)

2. Your Actions for God Should CONVINCE You (Verse 2)

3. Your Actions for God Should COMPEL You (Verse 3)

4. Your Actions for God Should COMPLETE You (Verse 4)

Remember that you ACTIONS will always beat your INTENTIONS. Be encouraged and I hope you are blessed!