
The Power of Your Words: Watch Your Mouth

Proverbs 18:21

The biggest LIE that we have been told growing up is "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." This is so far from the truth! Words hurt! Words can be harmful! Words can be damaging! Words can create dysfunction! Children often times grow up into becoming the words (positive or negative) that they have heard repeated to them over time. Therefore, as Christian men and women who are becoming stronger disciples of Jesus Christ, we MUST make it our business to ask the Lord to guard our lips because in the words of Dr. Tony Evans, "There is dynamite in our dentures."

Have you ever said something extremely mean to someone? Has someone ever said something super mean to you and it left a pain in you, still to this day? Things like....you aren't worth nothing! I wish I never met you! You are a disgrace! You just like your daddy or momma! You are ugly! I hate you! Wish you were never born! I don't love you anymore! All of these are words that many people have said and/or received in their lives and have left major voids. I want you to know that as children of God, there are expectations that God has placed in His Word (Bible) on how we must handle our mouth and our words. I'll share them with you and I hope that you are encouraged and empowered.

1. ENCOURAGEMENT Should Always Come Out of Your Mouth (Ephesians 4;29)

2. SELF-CONTROL Should Always Be Managed by Your Mouth (Proverbs 17:27)

3. PROFANITY Should Not Come Out of Your Mouth (Colossians 3:8)

4. KINDNESS Should Always Come Out of Your Mouth (Proverbs 15:1)

5. WISDOM Should Always Come Out of Your Mouth (Proverbs 21:23)

6. MATURITY Should Always Come Out of Your Mouth (Matthew 15:11)

7. HONESTY Should Always Come Out of Your Mouth (Proverbs 12:22)

8. HOPE Should Always Come Out of Your Mouth (Psalm 71:14)

Watch your words and God will use your words to Empower People to Live Beyond Life Limitations.