I know the laws: don’t steal, don’t murder, drive the speed limit. But I don’t love them or get excited about them. Usually, if I consider them at all, I think of them as a nuisance.
On the other hand, I love one particular law officer. My dad has been a police officer for more than twenty years. When I’m with him, I see the law differently. He doesn’t enforce the rules because he wants to spoil the fun or dole out punishment; he wants to keep our city safe.
Why do I need to wear a seatbelt? That’s dumb. I wouldn’t want to listen to some rules on paper. But when my dad tells me to buckle up, it’s different. I know it’s because he cares about me.
Why can’t I drink and get crazy? The government can’t tell me what to do. But when my dad tells stories of the awful things that have happened due to underage drinking, it makes sense.
My dad keeps the law, but it’s not because he wants to ruin my fun. In fact, we have a blast when we’re together. Instead, he just wants to keep me safe. He’s seen the consequences of breaking the law, and he wants better for me.
When we see our faith as a list of rules to follow, it’s easy to get annoyed, not care, or even purposely rebel. But God doesn’t want our faith to be limited to following boring rules. He wants a loving relationship with us, like the one I have with my dad. God makes the rules because He’s good. All His laws are centered on creating loving human relationships with God and others (Matthew 22:35-40).
God is our Creator, and He cares about us. It isn’t about loving the law on its own; it’s about loving the Lawgiver.
Can we ever follow all God’s commands by ourselves (Romans 7:4-7; 8:1-5)? Why or why not?
Does thinking of God as a good and loving Father change the way you feel about His commands?