

August 31, 2019 • Taylor Eising

As I brushed my teeth, I examined the reflection of my nametag in the bathroom mirror. By now, the words were so familiar I could even read them backward: “CHILD OF GOD.” I smiled as my other names echoed through my head: “Image-bearer.” “Chosen People.” “Ambassador.” “Temple of the Holy Spirit.” They each flashed onto my nametag briefly as I spat out my toothpaste before gathering my backpack and walking outside.

-Today will be different,- I told myself. -Today, I will be kind. Today, I won’t sin. Today, I will remember that I am a Child of God.- I kept this promise really well…at first. I made it all the way to the school bus! Then Rick called my shoes “ratty” and went on and on about how my parents couldn’t buy me new Jordans because they were poor.

I cringed as new nametags appeared elsewhere on my jacket, identifying me as “Ratty” and “Poor.” Burning with anger, I spat back, “At least my family cares about me! Your parents just buy you stuff to make you shut up!” A nametag with “Unloved” appeared on his sleeve as his fist collided with my nose. By the time the fight ended, we each had a few bruises, a week’s worth of detention to serve, and several more unflattering nametags.

After school, I slumped onto my bed, exhausted. -Why, Lord? Why can’t I control myself? Why am I such an awful sinner? I sighed as “Sinner” arrived on my chest. I just need to be better. I just need to try harder. I just need…- Silence filled my head.

“You need Me,” Jesus’ voice answered.

One by one, the nametags I had accumulated throughout the day disappeared. With each one that left, a weight lifted off of my heart. Finally, nothing was left but my one, true nametag: “CHILD OF GOD.”

Reread Today's verses. Who does Jesus say you are? What does it mean to have your identity in Him?

When you sin, do you get frustrated with yourself and resolve to try harder? Or do you bring your sin to God, confess it, ask for His forgiveness, and remember who you are in Him?

But to all who did receive him, he gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in his name. John 1:12 (CSB)

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