
A New Creation

August 28, 2019 • Vicky Kaseorg

I was riding my bike with Ragnar, my husky, running beside me and attached to my bike by a pole made especially for riding a bike with a dog. All was perfect. Ragnar was happy to be out on a cold day, and I was enjoying the beauty of God’s creation. Until...

A big white dog came barreling out of his yard. Loose. Growling. Hackles raised.

Ragnar loves other dogs, so I wasn’t concerned he would fight back, but he leaped toward the dog, pulling my bike sideways and dislodging my entire seat post. I fell across my handlebars, injuring my shoulder.

Seemingly oblivious to my pain, my neighbor—the owner of the big white dog—just smiled, saying, “It’s okay. He’s a friendly dog.”

This neighbor was also someone I had spoken to recently about Jesus. But, in response to her too-calm attitude, I was hardly a glowing example of God’s love. I was hurting, furious, and struggling to hang on to my crippled bike and my crazy husky.

“Get your dog,” I demanded between clenched teeth. The rest of what I said wasn’t exactly neighborly.

Was my neighbor’s casual attitude toward the accident hurtful? Yes. Could she have been a more responsible dog owner? Yes. Was it okay for me to let her know I was hurt? Yes. But did I demonstrate Christ’s love in how I spoke to her? No.

Memories of my earlier talk with my neighbor flooded my mind. She had rejected Jesus because she found Christians treated her with the same rage and backbiting she could find without bothering to get up early on a Sunday morning.

I wish I had taken a deep breath and considered how I could have shown Christ’s love in that situation. We’re all sinners who can be unkind with our words. But, in Jesus, we become new creations, free to reflect His love and truth in all our interactions—and free to seek forgiveness from God and others when we do mess up.

If you know Jesus, you are a new creation. How does your identity in Christ affect your words and attitudes?

How can you show Christ's love when you are genuinely hurt? How can you apologize when you mess up?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (CSB)

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