
Sharing Jesus Without Fear

August 30, 2019 • Aurora Scriver

Sharing the good news of Jesus can be awkward and difficult, but God calls us to share Jesus in a loving and clear way. But how do we strike that balance of gentleness and honesty?

Remember God’s love.
Remember, God doesn’t want anyone to perish because they chose sin (2 Peter 3:9-10). God is just, and He is also loving. Reflect that same understanding with the people you meet.

God is in control.
The way people react to Christians can be scary sometimes. (For that matter, Christians can be scary to other people!) But you don’t need to live in fear; you have the power that raised Jesus from the dead inside of you through the Holy Spirit. God is with you, He’s in control, He’s good, He’s faithful, and one day He will raise you from the dead. Nothing can separate you from Him, even the worst of interactions with other people. Approach people in love and gentleness, keeping these promises from God in your mind.

Move gradually.
Truth can be hard to absorb. So be patient with people. Share truth, but don’t give people a glut of information. Give people silence and time to consider and think.

Just do it!
God will equip you with His Words (Exodus 4:12; Matthew 28:20). Go out in the love and strength of Jesus, and He will provide courage and opportunities. Talk to Him about it today.

What questions have people asked you about Christianity? How did you respond?

How would you describe the good news of Jesus? Try to get it down to one or two sentences so that you have an easy reference point if someone asks you what you mean.

If someone says something mean to you about Christianity, what is something you could say or do in response instead of exploding with anger?

Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church. Ephesians 4:15 (NLT)

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