

August 29, 2019 • Bonnie Haverman

Isabel, at age eleven, is an amazing dancer. She has already performed with a major ballet company in several productions. Isaiah, age thirteen, just started attending college. Derek, at age fifteen, was considered one of the best BMX racers in Texas. Do you know someone like that? Someone gifted in academics, sports, acting—you name it. That was not me.

I was just an average student. I was and am a slightly-better-than-average salesperson. I’m good at a lot of things, superstar at none. It used to bother me until someone pointed me to Psalm 139.

When I read it, I was in awe. God—the only wise God, the Creator of the universe, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords—made you and me! Not only did He make you and me, but He loved us enough to come down to offer us freedom from sin and death so that we could be with Him forever.

Whether God has given you an amazingly obvious talent or if your talents don’t seem as striking as those of your peers, live a life of thankfulness, knowing that God created you in His image with unique gifts and abilities for use in His kingdom.

Try reading Psalm 139 every day for a whole year—you will be changed. It will give you a reason to praise God for His amazing creation: you!

Do you envy other's abilities?

What do you do well? How can you honor God with those abilities?

Have you spent time thanking God for making you?

And there are different activities, but the same God produces each gift in each person. 1 Corinthians 12:6 (CSB)

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