
Fear of Dragons

August 25, 2019 • Kevin Zeller

When dragons still roamed the mountains, a group of merchants were traveling to market along a quiet forest road. The first rushes of wind in the evergreen trees didn’t alarm them, but the blasts grew stronger…and hotter.

The trees around cracked and fell. An enormous golden dragon, eyes glowing with mischief, swept into the newly formed glade. As the merchants scattered fearfully, the bold voice of the lizard halted them. “Don’t run, humans! It will only make things worse!” Licking his scaly lips with a forked tongue, he crouched in front of a young woman. “You—what is it that you fear?”

Her face twitched, but she didn’t speak.
“All humans fear it,” rumbled the beast. “They dread and flee from it, but it ever finds them, chasing on the wings of darkness!”

The woman squinted while all the others cowered.
“I’ll give you a hint,” the dragon said. “It starts with the letter D.”
“Dragon?” squeaked one of the men.
“No!” roared the dragon, sitting up on his haunches. “Death, you numbskulls! I was thinking of the word death!”

The dragon reared back to incinerate a merchant, when the woman yelled back at him.

“I do not fear death,” she said. “Try again!”

The dragon turned back to her. “Excuse me?”

“I have no fear of death,” she said again. “I do not want to die, but even if you burn me to ashes, my Lord can raise my body again, and I shall live forevermore. You can do nothing, lizard. Your works shall perish with you.”

The dragon raised a scaly eyebrow.
“So, tell me, worm,” said the girl. “What do you fear most?” “It starts with a D!” someone shouted.

Does Death make you afraid?

Jesus will raise our bodies back to life when He returns. What does this mean for our perception of death?

And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you. Romans 8:11 (NIV)

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