
Be the Palace!

The Rivers of Living Water of the Incarnate One!

February 8, 2023 • Michael Brennan • Hebrews 4:15, 1 John 4:17

“Incarnation” is NOT God hiding Himself in someone who looks like a man. Incarnation is NOT God playing superman, with someone dressed like an ordinary man but secretly able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Incarnation is NOT God doing any pretending of any kind.

“Like us in all things except sin” (Heb 4:15) means He was as fully human as we are. And ‘as a man’ never let His humanness be the ‘director’ of His life. Yeshua NEVER pulled His “God card” out to save Himself or accomplish any of His many supernatural doings…NEVER. If He did, then “like us in all things” would be a lie.

Philippians says that He ’set aside’ His Godness. This means His God nature was never to be activated for a single second in His 33 1/2 years of earthly life. Imagine the Son of the King being given permission to leave the palace and becoming just an original citizen for 30 plus years on the sole condition that no matter what happens he can never pull out his “get out of jail free” card.

He could ’talk to his Father, the King’ any time he wanted but He could never have his Father come and pull him back into the palace. That’s why “As He is, so are we in this world” means exactly what it says.

Something a huge portion of Christianity still explains away this verse with dead theology. As always, Heaven's goal was never to use The Incarnate One to get everybody back into the palace, but, rather, to get the Palace into everybody. He succeeded “exceedingly, abundantly beyond all we could ask or think!”

AND our simple response to all this is to say, and never stop saying, to the Incarnate One now forever abiding in us, “Oh Rivers of Living Water, Incarnate One, flow from every cell in our bodies (our corporate body) through us (we) to every area of influence in our lives!” Because ‘being the Palace’ is for everyone!

Spirit of Fear

April 12, 2023 • Michael Brennan

“Do you not know?” There is difference between worry, anxiety or fear and the spirit of worry, anxiety, and fear. The former is just part of everyday life. But the spirit of worry, anxiety and fear is whole another, because they are illegal intruders. Their sound these days, this day right now, has become like the perpetual scraping of fingernails on a chalk board. Someone experienced this kind of intimidating, irritating sound 2000 years ago while He was very weak from 40 days of fasting. I can still hear His anything-but-weak answer way back then, “GET BEHIND ME SATAN!” And, if I can hear so can you. Maybe we should grab ahold of that sound and let the One inside of us speak it out of our mouths once again. Not some tired, old, religious quote, but His present, living command coming out of our inner most being. This day. All the time. Beginning right now. GET BEHIND ME spirit of worry, anxiety, and fear… It’s where you belong! “And he went forward full of the power of the (Holy) Spirit” And He left you know who muttering to himself back in the desert. It’s time for those illegal spirits to get behind us. It is time to go forward in the full power of the Spirit. 

Substance of Faith

April 5, 2023 • Michael Brennan • Romans 10:17, 1 John 4:15, John 7:37

Do you not know that faith, the Heaven to earth kind, is far more connected to a sound we make than a belief we carry around in our mind? Far too many people spend too much effort trying to conjure up an unshakable belief that will convince heaven to come to earth. But Romans 10:17 tells us, “Faith comes by hearing…” Let’s dissect this statement. First of all, faith ‘comes’ as something to be received, not something conjured up from within yourself. Second, it comes by ‘hearing.’ The beginnings of faith are in a particular sound, not just any sound. It is a NOW sound filled with His ETM (His Eternal, Supernatural, Miraculous Substance) When that ETM sound goes from our outer to our inner hearing, it explodes as an assured ‘knowing’.  “The assurance of things not seen.” And, since we know He listens, we know with assurance He will grant our request. (1 Jn.4:15) My point is that ETM faith is only a sound away. It begins not with our great belief, but with just our sound, our voice, our declaration. It then becomes the highway for His ETM substance. Now pause and hear this. Our sound is not from earth TO heaven. Our sound BEGINS in heaven and flows out from heaven to earth. “Out of your inner most being (Heaven in you) will flow (out) rivers of living water” (John 7:37) It’s the sound that changed water to wine, opened blind eyes, calmed storms, and raised the dead. It’s right there, in our inner most being just waiting to come out!!


March 29, 2023 • Michael Brennan • Psalm 23

Things He will never say to you: ·     “Can’t you see I’m busy?” ·     “Yada, yada, yada, how many times do I have to listen to the same ol’, same ol’?” ·     “Don’t you know I have bigger fish to fry than your small problems?” ·     “Sometimes I just want to be left alone with my coffee?” ·     “I’m tired of your ungratefulness. When am I gonna hear a ’thank you’?” ·     “You think you’ve got problems ..how’d you like My job?” ·     “Ya think I’ve got nothin’ to do but to be at your beckon call twenty four seven?” ·     “How about you get a life and stop expecting Me to be your Answer?” ·     “I’m on vacation next week so don’t try to contact Me?” ·     “Everybody has past hurts, get over it” ·     “Stop quoting scripture to Me. I’m the One who wrote, ya know” ·     “I’m not lifting a finger for you till I see some effort on your part” ·     “If you do not open the door soon, I’m gonna stop knocking”. ·     “My patience has limits and your awfully close” ·     “You want another miracle? Haven’t I done enough already?” ·     “Hey get over yourself. You’re not that important” ·     “Heal your dog? Really? Do you have any idea who you are talking to?” ·     “Just think positive. You don’t need Me” THINGS HE IS ALWAYS SAYING ·     “I will NEVER leave you or forsake you.” ·     “You are my beloved son/daughter in whom I am well pleased” (as He is ,so are we) ·     “Yea, though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil because I am with you.” ·     “I’ve prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies.” ·     “Surely, Goodness and Mercy will follow you all the days of your life and you will live in My house forever.” And so, so much more!!!