Do you not know that faith, the Heaven to earth kind, is far more connected to a sound we make than a belief we carry around in our mind? Far too many people spend too much effort trying to conjure up an unshakable belief that will convince heaven to come to earth.
But Romans 10:17 tells us, “Faith comes by hearing…” Let’s dissect this statement. First of all, faith ‘comes’ as something to be received, not something conjured up from within yourself. Second, it comes by ‘hearing.’ The beginnings of faith are in a particular sound, not just any sound. It is a NOW sound filled with His ETM (His Eternal, Supernatural, Miraculous Substance)
When that ETM sound goes from our outer to our inner hearing, it explodes as an assured ‘knowing’. “The assurance of things not seen.” And, since we know He listens, we know with assurance He will grant our request. (1 Jn.4:15)
My point is that ETM faith is only a sound away. It begins not with our great belief, but with just our sound, our voice, our declaration. It then becomes the highway for His ETM substance.
Now pause and hear this. Our sound is not from earth TO heaven. Our sound BEGINS in heaven and flows out from heaven to earth. “Out of your inner most being (Heaven in you) will flow (out) rivers of living water” (John 7:37) It’s the sound that changed water to wine, opened blind eyes, calmed storms, and raised the dead. It’s right there, in our inner most being just waiting to come out!!