“Do you not know?” There is difference between worry, anxiety or fear and the spirit of worry, anxiety, and fear. The former is just part of everyday life. But the spirit of worry, anxiety and fear is whole another, because they are illegal intruders.
Their sound these days, this day right now, has become like the perpetual scraping of fingernails on a chalk board. Someone experienced this kind of intimidating, irritating sound 2000 years ago while He was very weak from 40 days of fasting. I can still hear His anything-but-weak answer way back then, “GET BEHIND ME SATAN!”
And, if I can hear so can you. Maybe we should grab ahold of that sound and let the One inside of us speak it out of our mouths once again. Not some tired, old, religious quote, but His present, living command coming out of our inner most being. This day. All the time. Beginning right now.
GET BEHIND ME spirit of worry, anxiety, and fear… It’s where you belong! “And he went forward full of the power of the (Holy) Spirit” And He left you know who muttering to himself back in the desert.
It’s time for those illegal spirits to get behind us. It is time to go forward in the full power of the Spirit.