“The fervent, effective prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16) The most important word in this verse is ‘righteous’. Righteous describes one's identity, not ones ‘doing’. His perfect rightness in us is the fuel of fervent praying and as His perfect rightness actually becomes us (“As He is, so are we” - 2 Cor 5:21) our praying becomes more and more effective.
Praying is not the same as saying prayers. Praying from HIs ‘rightness’ in us moves us from the ‘doing’ of prayers to ‘being’ the prayer. When Jesus commanded Lazarus to come out of the grave He was not ‘doing’ prayer. He was not making a prayer request ’to’ the Father.
Being “one with the Father, His words were the Fathers words and since God’s words “never come back void” (Isaiah 55) Jesus’ fervent, effective words availed the raising of Lazarus from the dead. Here’s the simplicity of it all.
If the Righteousness One abides in us, then our prayer already avails much. Just how much depends on how much we abide in Him. The more His ‘rightness’ is our identity, the more we pray. Sometimes, we even use words. Our prayer is then saturated with His ETM consequences - His Eternal, Supernatural, Miraculous consequences. By the way, that was the whole plan from the beginning.