Taking Spiritual Ground - Part 1
January 2, 2022 • Elias Ozuna • Deuteronomy 1:7–8, 1 Peter 2:9, Matthew 16:17–18, Romans 8:28–39
Main Point: In 2022, let’s take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom. Jesus is the light of the world, so darkness must yield to the name of Jesus.
In 2022, our church theme is ‘Take spiritual ground’.
1. through Prayer.
2. Wise Strategic Action
Deuteronomy 1: 7-8. This is the land that God promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
What God has promised will come to pass no matter what the current circumstance is.
Even in disobedience, God always was planning to keep his promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
What land has God promised us? God has promised us victory over darkness. The spiritual land we must take, is replacing darkness with the light of God’s righteousness.
1 Peter 2:9. God has called us out of darkness into his light.
Taking Spiritual ground is simply replacing darkness with God’s righteousness.
This can be done in different ways but the end result is more salvations, more hearts serving Jesus, more righteousness, more deliverances, more peace, more joy, more people in church.
So in 2022, let’s cast out darkness and take spiritual ground for God’s righteousness. Darkness must yield to the name of Jesus.
Matthew 16:17-18. The gates of hell will not prevail against the church. No matter what the current circumstance looks like. Christians will prevail against darkness.
Romans 8:28-39. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.