
Taking Spiritual Ground - Part 3

Destiny: Don't Get Distracted

January 16, 2022 • Elias Ozuna • Genesis 37:5–11, Genesis 37:26–28, Genesis 39:20–23, Genesis 45:1–8, Esther 4:14

Main Point: In 2022, take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom. Jesus is the light of the world, so darkness must yield to the name of Jesus. Do not get distracted, we are destined to take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom.

Esther 4:14.  Such a time as this.

Story of Joseph:

Genesis: 37:5-11.  Joseph has a dream about his destiny

Genesis 37:26-28. Joseph is sold as a slave by his brothers.

Genesis 39:20-23. Joseph is sent to prison. 

At this point Joseph dream/destiny seems impossible. But always know this, if God has destined it, it will come to pass. 

Genesis 45:1-8. Joseph dream/destiny comes to pass because he never stopped serving God.

It was Joseph’s trials and tribulations that provided the foundation for his destiny to come to pass. 

Pastor’s Thoughts:

In your life, it is also true that the trials and tribulations you go through are a foundation that your destiny is built on.

Joseph did not get distracted by the trials and tribulations. He only drew closer to God. He made the best of every situation he was in. 

Are you determined to only grow stronger and closer to the Lord when times get hard?

Are you determined to not get distracted knowing that the trials of life are a foundation to your destiny.

What is your destiny? To take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom.

Two Points:

Why should we take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom? Because we Love Jesus.

Can we take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom? It is our destiny.