Two Points on Taking Spiritual Ground:
Why should we take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom? Because we Love Jesus.
Can we take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom? It is our destiny.
Main Point: In 2022, take spiritual ground for God’s Kingdom. Don’t play it safe. Be intentional about using your talents/gifts and abilities to serve others. It is our destiny.
Foundation Scripture:
1 Corinthians 9: 19-27. Paul emphasizes the importance of making an effort to relate to other people for the sake of the Gospel. Paul also makes the point that it is important to run the race of the Christian journey to win. Don’t play it safe.
Parable of the Talents:
Matthew 25:14-30. Jesus expects his followers to use their talents/gifts/abilities because that is how impact happens. People who hide their talents/gifts and abilities are in danger of being lost.
Pastor’s Thoughts:
Taking spiritual ground requires we use the talents/gifts and abilities God has given us so ground can be taken.
So don’t play it safe.
Find a way to use your talents/gifts and abilities
You don’t have to wait for an official title or to be perfect. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you on how to use your talents/gifts and abilities.
The sheep versus the goat (identified by who serves others)
Matthew 25:31-46. Jesus makes it clear that his followers, don’t play it safe. They make an impact by using the talents/gifts and abilities to serve others.
Pastor’s thoughts:
This characteristic of helping others is so much part of our DNA as Christians that if you do not have a heart to serve others you do not belong to the Kingdom of God.
Serving others is Serving Jesus. Don’t play it safe.
Sermon Recap:
Paul made it clear in Corinthians that Christians must run the race to win. Don’t play it safe
Jesus made it clear in Matthew 25 that he expects us to use our talents/gifts and abilities. Don’t play it safe
Jesus made it clear in Matthew 25 that serving others is serving him. Don’t play it safe